August 1, 2008


Advice to Men: Make sure you drink plenty of water before you go out in order to prevent excessive thirsty behavior.

Let me let you in on a little secret.... game is highly overrated. Personally, I can tell within the first 5 minutes of meeting you whether I like you or not and whether you're going to have a shot at ever talking to me again. If you have to ask me more than once if I want to dance, that means I don't want to. If you have to ask more than once for my number, that means I don't want to give it to you. You won't have to talk me into spending time with you.... in fact, I don't need to be "talked into" anything. If you get a positive response from a woman, that means it's because she has independently made that decision, not because you convinced her to respond that way.

A huge turn-off, though, is a guy that acts thirsty. In case you don't know what that means, here you go:

Thirsty /ˈθɜrsti/ [thur-stee]
adjective, thirst·i·er, thirst·i·est.

1. Too eager to get something (especially play)
2. Desperate

(Boy running up) "Ay gurl whasup? Look, you lookin real nice, can I get that young number?"
(Girl under breath) "Thirsty"

(thanks, Urban Dictionary)

I am certainly a woman who appreciates confidence and bold moves, but there's a fine line between that and being thirsty. I know that the saying goes that "Persistence pays", but persistence has its limits and can easily cross the line. Let me break it down in an example:

You meet a woman out some place that you both frequent. The two of you have a nice conversation but it seems like she's really not that eager to give you her number, so you leave it alone. Next time you see her up in the spot, you might offer to buy her a drink and engage her in more conversation (but still not pressing her for her number). Eventually she may decide that hey, this is a nice guy, maybe I should get to know him better. Nice conversation and gestures over an extended period of time is persistence.


'Nuff said. Unfortunately, this is NOT that far off from what happens in real life.

In the event that your thirstiness-disguised-as-persistence DOES pay, it's usually with counterfit money. You're either going to get 1 half hearted dance ending in a mad dash to the bathroom, a fake number, or if you do get a real number your calls may or may not get answered or returned (and this in and of itself lends to even more thirsty behavior). Or, worse, you get a woman who will acquiesce in your "game" and allow you to make an ass of yourself long enough for her to get what she wants out of you, and you're still left scratching your head wondering why you never got anywhere with her (ever heard Dwele's "Shady"? (Click and listen) Yea, something like that).

Perhaps this isn't true for all women.... I'm sure there are those that play along with the games because that's what's expected. But I speak for myself and others like me when I say that thirsty behavior is a no-no. If it's going to happen, it'll happen. Just BE COOL. And give women a little more credit for knowing what they want.


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