August 15, 2008

Guest blogging

I recently wrote an article/posting on mediation for another blog that I frequently read, Blended Family Soap Opera. Since I'm so paranoid about having my personal info out here on the web and prefer to be somewhat incognegro when it comes to my blogging, I told her to exclude my name and contact info from the post (it's law related, so it was logical to include this info since I am currently a solo practitioner..... I guess I am anyway). But then that deadly sin of pride started poking at me and I wanted to somewhat claim my work, so in a compromise I'm providing a link to it here:

"Mediation is no place to deal with hurt feelings" by ME

I know.... why not just repost it here? Eh.... it's just cuz it really doesn't fit with the vibe I have going on in my blog. Smacks a bit of mixing business with pleasure, which gives me the willies. *shudder*

*Totally random unrelated thought..... I think the ulcer that I developed my last year of law school has returned. And it hurts real bad! *said in my best Napoleon Dynamite voice* Ugh.....stress.


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