October 18, 2008

Playboys vs. Playstations

I've previously mentioned the Dating Persona Test at OKCupid.com (and that I think is one of the BEST personality tests out there on the web). There's a link on the right.... go take it if you haven't. I guarantee enlightenment.

As I explained before, my "dating persona" is The Playstation. In case you forgot (or didn't read.... shame on you) here's the description again:

The Playstation
Random Gentle Sex Master (RGSM)

Easy to turn on. Hard to beat. You are The Playstation.

You're a nice girl, and you have lots of sex. It's therefore highly likely that you're attractive, and you're certainly outgoing & friendly. Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability. Unheard of. When guys dare to dream, they dream of you.

You don't get attached too easily, and, to wit, you're not necessarily looking for something long-term right now. That's a bigger asset than you know. Though, physically speaking, you're open to anything, you're keeping your emotional side well-protected. This means there won't be a lot of wreckage to clean up whenever you decide to settle down.

In the meantime, the men you share yourself with actually respect you. Like them, you enjoy sex for its own sake and don't need any other validation for pleasure than pleasure itself. Hopefully, you have the good sense to blow off anyone who thinks less of you for that. Usually, this is the part of the description where we offer some life-correcting advice, but honestly, we can't think of anything about you we'd change. Keep on fucking, partner.

Always avoid: The Mixed Messenger (DBLD)
Consider: Anyone else

As you may not recall, there are 16 personality types, and each has a male/female counterpart (for a total of 32 types). The male counterpart to my dating persona (RGSM) is The Playboy:

The Playboy
Random Gentle Sex Master (RGSM)

Clean. Smooth. Successful. You're The Playboy.

You're spontaneous, and your energy is highly contagious. Guys therefore find you fun to be around, and girls find you compelling. You have lots of sex, and you manage it all without seeming cheap or being hurtful. Well done. You probably know karate, too.

It's obvious to us, and probably everyone else, that you're after physical rather than emotional relationships, but you're straight up with potential partners. And if a girl you want isn't into something casual, it's no big deal. You move on. BEFORE sleeping with her. Usually. At least you try to. Such control is rare.

If you're feeling unfulfilled, maybe you should raise your standards. New conquests will only be satisfying if there's a possibility of rejection.

Always avoid: The Playstation (RGSM)
Consider: The Dirty Little Secret (DGSM), The Nurse (RGSD)

Hmmm..... "Always avoid The Playstation". This is particularly troubling to me because the last 2 guys I've dated (or attempted to date? Were we dating?? That's the problem with Playboys/Playstations.... the whole label thing) have been Playboys. At first Playboys/Playstations seem like a pretty good match up.... we're both cool, laid back, casual, non-demanding. Seems like we could peacefully co-exist and just have fun. Right? Well, it's not that simple.

The problem with two cool ass people is that that's just too much cool assedness in one place. The pervading attitude is "whatever". We kind of just go with the flow.... which is fine and dandy, but in reality at some point some decisions must be made. Namely, "what the fugg is this???" Most of the time, Playboys and Playstations are content with just ignoring this question.... I've termed it as peacefully co-existing with the elephant in the room. *feeds elephant a peanut, climbs over it's trunk to get to the kitchen* Nobody gets up in arms over anything, nobody demands any sort of commitment, it's just...... whatever. Nonetheless, even in all of our ice coldness (Andre 3000 style), we're still humans with feelings. So even though we say "Sure, go ahead and do you.... I'm fine" deep down we still get kinda irked. But our steadfast Playstationness and Playboyality, we will never ever admit this.... not to the other person, and not to ourselves.

So what does the life cycle of a Playstation/Playboy relationship end up looking like?? Well, I'm really not sure. From what I've ascertained so far, it just keeps going on and on indefinitely, something a lot more than friends, but just shy of a real Relationship. We're gun shy.... nobody wants to call anyone to the mat on the issue of whether it is or is not a Relationship.... or whether anyone even WANTS a Relationship. Or even what a Relationship consists of. So eventually we hit an impasse. The elephant continues to be a squatter in our apartments. Eventually you just start avoiding going through the room altogether and find a different way to the kitchen.

The nice thing, though, is that even if it doesn't go any further and that option falls by the wayside, we still manage to remain cool with each other. No hard feelings..... well, not on the surface anyway. I'm working on trying to not be such a hardcore Playstation and get more in touch with my primitive girl side. But it's hard to let that guard down, especially when you're trying to deal with someone who's just as cool and laid back as you.


AsankofaQueen said...

I took the test i am:Random Brutal Love Master (RBLM)

go figure...lol

IntrospectiveGoddess said...

I took the test and I am The Priss, Deliberate Brutal Love Dreamer...and I was told to avoid the Playboy and that the Playstation is my exact female opposite....eh what do you know!

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